About the company
JSC ‘Pamirian Energetic Company’ is the only energetical company in Tajikistan, formed based on concessional agreement. Main goals of forming the company is to realize residential energy needs in Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast of Tajikistan Republic, and contribution to the economic and social environment in our mountainous area.
Today ‘Pamirian Energetic Company’ gives electro energy to 213000 users of GBAO. The service area consists 64000 km, number of regions – 8, number of households – 32800. Number of PEC users – 28600, which has residentials – 27400, governmental – 400 and commercials – 800. The company also has in GBAO 11 HPPes with overall capacity of 43,5 MV, which is situated in the regions of the oblast. The LEP is spread along the GBAO (35/10/0,4rV) – 2609 km. Starting from the May 2008 the ‘Pamir Energy’ company is delivers electro energy to 1080 users of border communities of the Afghanistan Republic.
“Pamirian Energetic Company” – is a dynamically developing energetical branch, that has excellent perspectives for the future development.